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" I’ve Got a Message " 2024

Hey guys 🙂

Imagine that you received messages from people / things / even animals if you want
and show us the content of these messages in a proper English language

( It’s Okay if you make some mistakes … None of us is perfect )


I’ll take the first shot

I’ve got a message from the sun telling me that i should stay at home because it’s going to be hot today

A message from my lost cat

" ! A car smashed my body . I’m DEAD "

A message from my ears

" How about listening to those old songs that used to make us reach the peak of ecstasy
? "

A message from my hands

" I’m the wizard that can turn the whispers , the tears , and the moans into written words . Pens and papers happen to be my magic stick "

A message from my stomach

" Why don’t you just give in to temptation once in a while and feed me with some pasta or pizza or whatever ? Hunger is a killer and you know it "

A message from my school:
I’m back 🙁 > the school will start after one week be ready :/ .

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة غلا عمري

A message from my school:
I’m back 🙁 > the school will start after one week be ready :/ .

There is no way out of it hahaha
Enjoy it while it lasts



" ! I freakin’ need a pill ’cause this headache is killin’ me "

A message from my heart:

Don`t be afraid from future and belive in your self


This time i’ve got one from my pillow telling me that i should get my butt of the chair and go to sleep instead of spending the rest of the night watching this ridiculously creepy movie named " The Hills Have Eyes " . Well , something already tells me that i’m not gonna sleep anyway .. so f–k it :p

I’m going to act like a heroine and keep my eyes fixed on the screen ’cause i wanna finish watching the movie , by all means :p

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