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أريد اقولكم مسائكم سكر ومسائكم عسل بس اخاف يكونن منتهيات 2024

أريد اقولكم مسائكم سكر ومسائكم عسل …. بس اخاف يكونن منتهيات
مسائكم سح

شخباركم عساكم بخيرر
ابي منكم طلب صغرررونالجيرياالجيريا
عندي برزنتيشن وماااعرفه ع شووو اسوي ف ييااااريت
تعطوووني موضوووع مممين الجيرياالجيريا
انتضر ردكممم

حياك اختي مافهت طلبك فكره او اسم لبرزنتيشن او جاهز يكون
ع العموم جمعت لك كذا موضوع منقوله الله يجزي صاحبه
وان شاء الله أفتدك ي بعدي -^




A flower is the part of the plant that makes the seeds. The main parts of a flower are the carpels and stamens. These parts are often found in the center of the flower. There are egg cells in the carpel and pollen cells in the stamen. All flowers have four basic parts: sepals, petals, carpels and stamen. Different flowers have different numbers and shapes of these parts.
Plants can not move from one ******** to another, thus many flowers have evolved to attract animals to transfer pollen between individuals in dispersed populations.
and also Many flowers have important symbolic meanings in many culture. Some of the more common for Example

the Red roses are given as a symbol of love, beauty, and passion

عن التدخين


can buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere — even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we’re more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on TV, radio, and in many magazines.

Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit eveybodycan cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So how come people are still lighting up? The answer, in a word, is addiction.

موفقه يارب ^

اشكرك على موضيع

انا كان قصدي اريد فكرة عشان العرض لهدا الموضوع

اشكرك على موضيع

انا كان قصدي اريد فكرة عشان العرض لهدا الموضوع


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