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بحوث لغة انجليزية 2024

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته~~كل واحد لدية بحث في اللغة الأنجليزية و يريده ملخص او ماشابه يتفضل~~أنا هنا لأساعدكم

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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته


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the history of america: the first immgration… and the globalzation in the world.this lessons for the university.

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وثانكس احتاجه اليوم


The lynx is a m sized cat with long tuffs of hair on its face beside its ears and a short tail. The lynx has large paws which help it walk through the snow. The lynx is 2 ½ feet long and weighs approximately 17 to 25 pounds.

The lynx is an endangered animal with only 700 to 1,200 still existing in the United States. In the past they were hunted for their fur.


The lynx is divided into four groups in the United States depending on geographical location. These areas included the Northeast, the Great Lakes states, the northern Rocky Mountains/ Cascades, and the southern Rocky Mountains.

Lynx need a large area of undisturbed forest to live. This territory may range from 4 to 100 square miles. Lynx like to hunt in young forest, but prefer to build their dens in old forests. They travel many miles a day. Lynx prefer to live alone. They sleep during the day and hunt at night.


Lynx eat snowshoe hares, rabbits, mice, voles, grouse, ptarmigan, and red squirrel. They stalk their prey, then pounce on them. Large lynx may even attack a large animal such as a deer. Lynx are good swimmers and climbers. This helps them follow their prey.


Mothers have two to four young in a litter in the spring. Lynx are born blind. They open their eyes when they are 16 days old. When they are one month old, they will begin to eat meat. The young stay with their mothers for about one year. The young matures in two to three years. Lynx live 10 to 15 years in the wild, and up to 21 years in captivity.


The lynx is a m sized cat with long tuffs of hair on its face beside its ears and a short tail. The lynx has large paws which help it walk through the snow. The lynx is 2 ½ feet long and weighs approximately 17 to 25 pounds.

The lynx is an endangered animal with only 700 to 1,200 still existing in the United States. In the past they were hunted for their fur.


The lynx is divided into four groups in the United States depending on geographical location. These areas included the Northeast, the Great Lakes states, the northern Rocky Mountains/ Cascades, and the southern Rocky Mountains.

Lynx need a large area of undisturbed forest to live. This territory may range from 4 to 100 square miles. Lynx like to hunt in young forest, but prefer to build their dens in old forests. They travel many miles a day. Lynx prefer to live alone. They sleep during the day and hunt at night.


Lynx eat snowshoe hares, rabbits, mice, voles, grouse, ptarmigan, and red squirrel. They stalk their prey, then pounce on them. Large lynx may even attack a large animal such as a deer. Lynx are good swimmers and climbers. This helps them follow their prey.


Mothers have two to four young in a litter in the spring. Lynx are born blind. They open their eyes when they are 16 days old. When they are one month old, they will begin to eat meat. The young stay with their mothers for about one year. The young matures in two to three years. Lynx live 10 to 15 years in the wild, and up to 21 years in captivity.


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