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Important of the pioneers of the English Language Department 2024

  • بواسطة

Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings

Hello to you, dear brothers and sisters

I wanted to draw your attention about something in this section
(English Language)

Is how to respond in writing and the topics and replies

mine I think that this section is devoted to English language

Therefore, must write and respond to all these great language
(English language)

Really nice thing to try to write in that language rights

So I hope we will all try to write in English only, and i hope 2 everyone abide by the regulations of this section…

Regret the time and thank you
accept the greetings
Management and supervisors, Department of English Language
and accept my personal greetings


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركااته

مرحبآ بكم اعزائي رواد افضل قسم
قسم اللغة الانجليزيه…

احباائي اردت ان انبهكم بشي

وهو ان هذا القسم مخصص للغة الانجليزيه

لذا يجب على جميع الاعظاء
كتاابة المواضيع والرد عليها بهذه اللغة
حتى نستطيع التعلم ونستفيد من المفرداات الجديده

ونشعر باان هذا القسم مخصص لاجمل للغة>>اللغة الانجليزيه

حقيقة ارجو من الجميع الالتزام بهذه القوانين

واعذروني على الاطااله واتمنى ان لايكون هذاحصر لمواهب الاعظاء

تقبلوا تحياات فريق عمل اللغة الانجليزيه

واداارة منتدياات عبير

لكم ودي


Hello rash i really agree with u becuse how we want to improve our Language and we still speaking in arabic so it will be agood if we all do it

thanks honey for this i hope we all do what u just said
sorry for that 7yaty i know i talk too much lololo


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ندووش

Hello rash i really agree with u becuse how we want to improve our Language and we still speaking in arabic so it will be agood if we all do it

thanks honey for this i hope we all do what u just said
sorry for that 7yaty i know i talk too much lololo


sweet Nadoooooooooosh

I am very happy to see your reply dear

I hope all of this response, such as catalyst

Thank you baby

u r sis


Well Done
That’s good.
thank you for notes

I hope to you good luck

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Engr.Hassan

Well Done
That’s good.
thank you for notes

I hope to you good luck

Thank you my brother, Hassan
To respond and help me

Your sister

Really you are wonderful
It is great idea to talk all in English
I hope to find a response from all members
Your brother


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حازم الهوارى

Really you are wonderful
It is great idea to talk all in English
I hope to find a response from all members
Your brother


Thank you my brother, Hazem
I am delighted with your response

I hope all of us really want to talk in English fluently
Thank you again, my dear,

Greetings to you
u r sisi

thanx RashOoO 4 ur instructions

for those who r new & also Beginners

hopefully everybody will benifit 4m it

Thanx agin sweety

thanks honey..we will

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة دفا

thanx RashOoO 4 ur instructions

for those who r new & also Beginners

hopefully everybody will benifit 4m it

Thanx agin sweety

Thank you baby Dfooooo
You are truly one of the most person how makes me love the English language

Happy to this respond baby

Thank you once again
u r sis

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