Curves are everywhere and so the detours .Your speed should not be over 60km per hour on this way . Otherwise you had better opt and choose another one which would look safer and more comfortable .But how about if you see that you do not have any other choice ?! And you find yourself with no alternatives? What would you do ?
Many serious decisions in our life are taken randomly without keeping in mind those risky results which would occur .Planning seems null in our life .Precautions in many things we do seem out of our daily dictionary .I am not a specialist in giving some facts and exact percentages about it but if we just look around ,we would notice how randomly we go .For instance ,a close friend to any one of us would have a strong effect on how we think and believe disregarding how true or false his opinion is .
Sometimes if not all the times ,our decisions are made by others instead of by ourselves .And the result in most cases is a strong repentance or( a deadly end) .Matters that lead to a crucial destiny such as marriage ,career or future should not be taken that simple without hard thinking and good planning .
So ,road signs are not for roads only .They suit life as well .
Alot of people have different personalities and they all make decisions differently .. Some take time thinkig and plaing but others are very quick at making decisions and without taking some time planning ..
We should all have Patience and plan before we make a serious ad strong decision ..
Thanx sweety for the nice topic 🙂
I liked it 🙂
waiting for you
: )
u r right,patience is v. important
thanks alot 4 ur sharing
coz you took 3 weeks to reply that’s why
thanks again Mr.Boeing
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ςάηđч
well…. thanks, good that you didnt misspell stingy lool
if you wrote stinky it wil change the meaning looooool