تخطى إلى المحتوى

An Inspiring Story Of Sacrifice 2024

A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on the road on a

Girl: Slow down. I’m scared.

Guy: No this is fun.

Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary!

Guy: Then tell me you love me.

Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!

Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.

Girl hugs him

Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself?
Its bugging me.

In the paper the next day

A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake
failure. Two people were on it, but only one had survived. The truth was
halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he
want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt
hug him one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live
even though it meant that he would die. If there is anyone in life you love
this much

والله هذي القصة روعة من جد لازم للشباب يقراوها ويتعلموا

مشكورة يا عمري على القصة

هلا بالغاليه ,,,

نورتي موزوعي……

ولا شكر على واجب ……..

مغسي بكوووووووووووو

مشكوره فراولهالجيريا
الشكر لك اموووووووشه على مرورك ,,,

تحي فراوله انا اتي

بنت القطيف < < < هلا باهل الشرقيه

منوره موزوعي ,,,,

تحي فراوله انا اتي

تسلم ويسلم غاليك اخوي سامي ,,

تحي فراوله انا اتي


تسلمين يالغالية


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