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friend ship الصداقة 2024

  • بواسطة
we must respect friend ship
friend in need is afriend indeed
friend ship is the best thing in life
Ican have top secrets only with afriend
Islam teaches us how to deal with the friend
we must learn how the propheat deal with the caliphs
bayyyyy my friends

مشكورةةةة اختى ع البرقية الحلوةةة عن الاصدقاء بكل بساطة اقول لج نحن اصلا نحتاج من يكون معنا من الاصدقاءءءءء
الصداقة اجمل كلمة فى الحياة بعد الحب طبعا
تسلمى حبوبة على الموضوع الشيق
هند مشكوووووووووور ة حبيبتي ومااقصررتي

سلمت يداااااااااااك

الجيرياA Very Special Friend

Sometimes you find a very special friend,
Someone who changes your life just by being part of it!
Someone who makes you laugh when you need to laugh,
Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you that life is filled with doors
Just waiting for you to open them!

When you’re feeling down,
And the world seems like a dark and empty place,
Your special friend lifts your spirit
And makes that dark and empty world
Suddenly seem bright and full!
Your special friend gets you through
The hard times and the sad times,
Your special friend holds your hand
And tells you everything is going to be all right.

And if you find such a friend,
You have a special friend for life,
And life is special!

I hope u like it Hend.
I didn’t write it i just found it in the net.
So, thanks for whoever write it
تسلموا ع المرور
فى أمان الله
you welcom
also me like you

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