A Just Friend says..hi,..hello, ..bye,… and
walks away
A Best friend always stop by your side &
asks how r u doing ??
A Just Friend has never seen you cry
A Best friend has shoulders soggy from
your tears
A Just Friend thinks the friendship is
over, when you have an argument
A Best friend knows that its not a
friendship, until after youve had a fight.
A Just Friend phones you whenever
he/she has some work
A Best friend calls you often just to hear
your voice…..
A Just Friend hates it when you call
after he has gone to bed
A Best friend asks you…. why you took
so long to call.
A Just Friend, when visiting, acts like a
A Best friend opens your refrigerator
and helps himself.
A Just Friend jealous about your
romantic history
A Best friend wonders of your love
A Just Friend expects you to be always
there for any help
A Best friend is always there, wherever
you require any help
romantic history
A Best friend wonders of your love
ThAnKs U
it is so
coool & nice
A Best friend always stop by your side &
asks how r u doing ??
A Just Friend has never seen you cry
I want to say that
Evry thing is going to die
just freindly stay shine
دمت بكل سعاده ع اختيار تلك الحروف
دمت كما انت الفكر الجميل ..،
شاكر لك يالغالي ..،
تقبل تواجدي وحروفي
Use the finest words in Webster’s
Fill pages upon pages with verse
Only two words are needed
Two words are everything I want to say
Thank you
كلمات رائعة
قالت الكثير
مما يمكن ان يقال
عن علاقة مهمة
في حياة كل منا
والدور الكبير
للصديق في هذه العلاقة
لكن الصديق الصدوق
ماافتقد وجوده هذه الايام
شكرا لك باللغة العربية
شكرا للاخت جنان عبدالله بهذه المشاركة الجميلة
وتستاهلين الشكر بكل لغات العالم بس ما اجيدد الا ثلاثا منها
بسشمكرا باللغة العربية تكفي الغرض
ش: شكرا لك يا جنان عبدالله
ك: كفيت ووفيت
ر: رعالك الله
أ : قولي امين