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Love Could Be 2024


You said you did love me once, too.
What ever happen to those days we shared,
You gave me so much love, you really cared.
Your feelings changed and love lost its flare,
I wanted to ask you why, but I didn’t dare.
Each day passing we seem further apart,
I tried to save what we had from the start.
Your heart and feelings seem unsure that day,
Sharing together we might save our love some way.
We can try to move forward with love we can see,
Our love will grow stronger like it’s meant to be.

The sense of the splendor of the upper heart —
Registry dazzling astronomical Thank you

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة

Each day passing we seem further apart

Apainful feeling

Thank you

thank u alooootالجيريا
جوري الورد


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