موضوع يتكلم عن الموضة والازياء باللغة الانجليزية 2024

اذا ممكن ابي موضوع يتكلم عن الموضة والازياء باللغة الانجليزية الجيريا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة خطاي ضيع غلاي

اذا ممكن ابي موضوع يتكلم عن الموضة والازياء باللغة الانجليزية الجيريا

Fashion is a popular style of clothes, hair, manners, habits, etc. at a particular time or place. Clothes mark out a man’s status. The craze for fashion is great among young people all over the world. Fashion has spread in all the spheres of our life. Fashion designing it’s a lucrative profession. Fashion parades and shows are held to exhibit the latest dresses. Dresses are designed to fit in every occasion of life. Students generally try to copy fashions from films. Many students spend a lot of money and time on fashion. They take to drinking and smoking in the name of fashion. They fail to realize that these adversely affect their health. .

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