never forget 2024

No matter what happens,

No matter what you do,

I hope that you will stay the same.

I hope you’ll always be you.

God made you special,

No one can take that away.

So when the problems call

And the darkness falls,

Never forget that someone cares about you.

Never forget your dreams;

They aren’t as far away,

As you might think they seem.

Let nothing get you down,

And when the times get rough,

Simply smile like a circus clown.
what a nice words

sis janan

God bless you

with my compliments

سلمت اناملك يا الغالييه الله يعطيك الف عافية
كل الشكر والتقدير
لمروركم الغالي
تحياتي ومحبتي

اترك تعليقاً

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