[{ No }] 2024


It’s a kinda of feelings , I can not understand

going from me just for moments,then returns to

my soul so fast

regular ways I’m trying to find but entirly make

me sick & full of sad

regret , Confessions, heart broken or mad

expressing my deep emotions , asking

? how it’s come to me like this

? how it’s come to me like that

too bad

I know what I’m doing is right

showing them the right thing ,giving them the


they need , without hearing thank you

to cross their obstacles in night

with smile , I don’t need any way of conflict to


I’m not here to fight

I changed my way several times ago

without any result , I’m struggling now my foe

keeping my hope on my heart , to win this battle

and I will , for my soul

for my self , for all who loves me , it’s my own

chance , & I’ll never lose it , so

nobody will stop me , especially who hates me

trying to frustrating me , believe me


with my best wishes
Ooh! your topic is attractive.

Your style in the writing is organized and included a deep meaning


I changed my way several times ago

without any result ,



it`s not about how many time`s u`ve been changed ur way`s
it`s about (how & when ) uhave to change it .. am i right ??

this is my modest Opinion


time of silence

Thanks for your passing , to read & show your


have agood day

my compliments

أمووول ..

I changed my ways ,coz I was losing my self

and to get it back , you saw that behaviour

and then focus on my foe

my enemy

thanks sis for passing

have a good day


i hope
for u beatiful life with my best wishes


وردة بلادي

جنان ، وردة بلادي ..

أشكركن سيداتي لمروركن العطر ، وأتمنى لكم دوام

الصحة والنور والعافية …

في أمان الله ..

Just keep what you doing always…

you must fined the rihgt way…

thnks alot..

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