Great Bird 2024

ربي بكل الورد المنثور ..||

no body listens

nobody wants to listen

no one hears you

the life is very hard especially if you were lonely

without a good friend or lover

paind so much

your heart is bleeding

brokend form cruelty people with you

my friend

i can see the pain in your pure eyes

without you speak or i know who are you really

iam not a witch

but iam like you

that sheen which I see it in your eyes , I try hard to hide it but it is clear

look at the red which rise the sky , even tell you daytime is gone and come

our long night like my days & your days

wipe your tears my friend

i think it is time to say good bye

spread your gold wings like a great bired and let the winds

take you with it.

طائر عظيم

لا احد يسمع

لااحد يريد ان يسمع

لن يسمع احد

الحياة صعبه جدا خصوصا اذا كنت وحيدا بدون صديق او حبيب

تتألم تبكي !!

قلبك ينزف

منكسر من قسوة البشر معك

يا صديقي استطيع ان ارى الألم في عينيك بدون ان تتكلم او ان اعلم من تكون

لست ساحره

لكني مثلك

هذا اللمعان الذي اراه بعينيك أحاول جاهده ان أخفيه ولكنه فاضح

انظر الى الحمره التي تعتلي السماء حتى تخبرك برحيل النهار وقدوم ليلنا الطويل

ليل يشبه لون ايامك وايامي

امسح دموعك يا صديقي

اعتقد انه حان الوقت لنقول وداعا

افرد جنحيك كطائر عظيم ودع الرياح تأخدك معها..

يعطيك ألف عآآآفية موضعك رآآئع ..

سعدنا بتواجدك .. تحياتي ..~

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ** عبورة عتيبه **

يعطيك ألف عآآآفية موضعك رآآئع ..

سعدنا بتواجدك .. تحياتي ..~

الله يعافيك من كل شر يآآآسوكر….

منوره الموضوع..

會 a bird will tell you 會 2024

會 a bird will tell you 會


The harmony of his song still sings like a bird
The touch of his soul still in my hand
I looked to my hands and kissed them
Here! my love kissed my hands
I looked forward towards the horizon and
With the last breath to talk and
With the tears in my eye, I asked the birds about my love
But they lied to me and Said
He is in a beautiful land
Wishing you to be beside him
Calling you and hugging the breeze of your memory
Shedding tears and sobbing bitterly
He is there! Looking for save place to live with you
I would like to go and see
I want to see his face or even to hear his breath
I want to see the love poetry in his eyes
I want to hear his voice without lies
Birds! If you can talk to my love
I will be happy and live again
But if you not
You will see my tears like flooded rain
I will not eat! I will not breathe! I will die in pain
So go now and tell my love
If he cares, he will come
Birds cry quietly and sad become
They can see nothing but…..End that Begun
They see her face getting pale
And her color has gone
The last breeze touched her pretty face
And softly closed her eyes
She is gone
She left behind her tears, gloomy life and black
Two years later
He came back
He found nothing but lifeless land
He looked for his lover’s spirit
He searched with his lost mind
He called her name and hug the breeze of her memory
He shed hotly tears and sank in cry
The birds shuddered and suddenly fly
They heard a hard cry as if it is death scream
The weather was rainy, and there was a dead body
He was laying there….it was like dream
He died for her as she did for him

thanx sweety
keep the good work
thanks for passing

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بورتسمث

