I just wanna talk ! 2024


That’s the year he was born . It’s pretty strange to celebrate his birthday practically every year without being quite sure of the exact month and day . But i feel responsible for it . That’s why i fixed another date that appealed to my acquaintance with this person..

I do it regularly as if i’m building a memorial for that unfortunate love , something that decorates the vacancy in my heart temporarily

and before the day is over , that bitter cake that holds more than 30 candles ends up in a hungry trash. and all the sweet memories that i share with myself are blown away in the blink of an eye

You need to tell me …
What choices do i have other than watching how things evolve naturally before my eyes , just because my interference will do me no good?

Just tell me …

What is it with you that makes me feel like a pair of orphan wings flying towards the erotic sun before they eventually get burned

* * *


Seems like a long time ago !
But the irony about time is that no matter how tough it gets , it actually has a little tiny power that even if it changes things , it won’t make the difference noticeable .
When it comes to love , this theory is so damn applicable .

I remember the last words we shared on the last phone call …
He told me :" Yeah , i’m gonna call your father to get things straight about our engagement "

You can guess it yourselves !
He didn’t !

You can judge the baseness of the human being by driving them to the temptation of breaking parole . If they yield to it , then guess what ? This human being is full of crap
(and i’m sorry because my anger sometimes gets the better of me , so i simply curse )

* * *


Oh , man !
I sometimes laugh out loud when i remember this year
and i sometimes can’t help but to shed hot tears when i remember it too …

It was a messed up year for all of us. I even imagined that we’re gonna face a WWIII because of Albou3zizi’s little chariot .
Now i’m really and truly and painfully worried about what happens in Syria .

God , am i supposed to live until this Arab world takes the torch of glory ? or is this dream some sort of a sick joke that stuffs our mouths with a desperate laughter ?

(maybe this is not finished yet )


When i feel like the windows are planning a conspiracy to deprive me of that light out there , i wish i were something different ; a bird maybe .
I felt really suffocated and lonely . I hated life even more than before …
More than once , i was capable of asking my mom :" Why did you even bother having me in the first place?
Bury me with the hand that used to kill my tears .. It’s a shame that , during your absence , the resurrected ones took revenge by killing me !
Just listen to the roaring words in your throat before you dare open the cage of your mouth for them !

How many doors do you have behind a failure
? 10 … ?20 …
oh let me guess , one billion doors !

There must be something wrong , pal .
People who could get over the wrong things they did , all they needed to do is to live in an open space of forgiveness !
Stop blaming yourself for things that can not be changed .
?" Just ask yourself : " What’s the point of all this babbling

NO ONE CaN Stop blaming himself ………
Beacause each man snanah …………
we make our will fully…………….
I like your words

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة جنات ممدوح

NO ONE CaN Stop blaming himself ………
Beacause each man snanah …………
we make our will fully…………….
I like your words

I like your kind presence even more 🙂

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مصموخ


Is that an order
because if it is , i don’t take orders from you , buddy
If you don’t like it here , please kindly shut the door behind you

Just tell me why 2024

this is a song by a boy
he sing it 4 the whole world
so touching song
and this is the words of the song:

In my dreams children sing
A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue the fields are green
And laughter is the language of the world
Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need

Tell me why, does it have to be like this
Tell me why, is there something I have missed
Tell me why, I don’t understand
When somebody needs somebody
We don’t give a helping hand

Tell me why
Every day I ask myself what I have to do to be a man
Do I have to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who I am
Is that what my life is for
To waste in a world full of war
Tell me why, does it have to be like this
Tell me why, is there something I have missed
Tell me why, I don’t understand
When somebody needs somebody
We don’t give a helping hand
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Just tell me why

Just tell me why
Why why, do the tiders run
Why why, do we shoot the gun
Why why, do we never learn
Can someone tell us why we cannot just be freinds
Why Why

هادي ترجمة الاغنيه

في احلامي , الاطفال يوغنون
اغنيه الحب لكل ولد و بنت
السماء زرقاء و الحقول خضراء
و الضحك هو لغة العالم
ثم استيقظ وكل ما اراه هو عالم مليى بناس فى احتياج
قل لي لماذا؟ هل علينا ان نكون مثل هذا؟
قل لي لماذا ؟ هل فقدت فهم شىء ؟
قل لي لماذا ؟ لاني لا افهم
عندما يحتاج كثيرون الى شخص ما
لا نعطيهم يد المساعده
قل لي لماذا ؟
كل يوم , اسئل نفسي
ما الذي يجب ان افعلة حتي اكون رجل
هل يجب ان اقف و احارب
لاثبت لكل شخص من انا
هل هذه هي حياتي؟
لاضيع فى عالم مليى بالحروب
قل لي لماذا؟ هل علينا ان نكون مثل هذا ؟
قل لي لماذا ؟ هل فقد فهم شى ؟
يقل لي لماذا ؟ لاني لا افهم
عندما يحتاج كثيرون الي الشخص ما
نحن لا نعطيهم يد المساعده
قل لي لماذا ؟ قل لي لماذا ؟
قل لي لماذا ؟ قل لي لماذا ؟
قل لي لماذا ؟ قل لي لماذا؟
قل لي فقط لماذا ؟ لماذا , لماذا , لماذا ؟
قل لي لماذا ؟ هل علينا ان نكون مثل هذا؟
قل لي لماذا ؟ هل فقد فهم شى ؟
قل لي لماذا ؟ لاني لا افهم
عندما يحتاج كثيرون الي شخص ما
و نحن لا نعطيهم يد المساعده
قل لي لماذا ؟ لماذا لماذا تجري النمور ؟
قل لي لماذا لماذا نطلق رصاص البندقية ؟
قل لي لماذا ؟ لماذا لا نتعلم ابدا ؟
هل يخبرنا احد لماذا ندع الغابات تحترق؟
لماذا لماذا نقول اننا نستطيع ؟ قل لي لماذا
لماذا لماذا تبقي الاشياء كما هي؟ قل لي لماذا
لماذا لماذا ناخذ الاشياء و نهرب ؟ قل لي لماذا
هل يمكن ان يخبرنا احد لماذا ندع المحيط ينهار ؟
لماذا لماذا دائما نتكلم ؟ قل لي لماذا
لماذا لماذا نرمي اللوم علي الاخرين ؟
لماذا لماذا لا تمطر السماء ابدا ؟
هل يخبرني احد لماذا لا نكون مجرد اصدقاء
لماذا لماذا

i wish we be one hand
but i know its just a wish
any way
hope u like it

see u guyz


liked it yslmoooo … +_O
Thank U Sis ..
Its Nice Word U wrote it here

Regards ,..

thank u 4 million
thanks for passing all of you here
very nice
thank you this a hard nice words i’ve seen.

accept my passing

just one who is you 2024

The life carries meanings and we try to understand it as own experiment…some thing happy and some thing sad …but tou confront it with severity no tears and no smiles .
I miss you even you are with me …what avail from body without soul ?! you are always here with your body …just the body .
You fell that life takes every thing from you ; but you are wrong …it leaved your pure heart who can begin again and again .Iyearn for the alive guy regardless his mysterious personality which hiding in his depths …the person who deserve the hapiness although his weird contradictory choises and decisions .
We are your friends , let your friends begin your new white pages and let me being the lines which you write your fellings on it .
Stand up and keep pace with the life instead the fighting against it .
Ispare you the confidence…my confidence…d’ont lose it ; and remember I’ll be with you until the heal up , when nothing can hinder your way

أتمنى تعجبكم خاطرة الانجليزي تبعي لا تبخلوا بمروركم

very nice think you a lot
Good words sis ,, keep it up
thank you so much for the pass
wOOOw this is great

thanx sweetie..keep it up


thank you baby you are the best
dear …your words are so great
I love it .. so nice الجيريا

keep it up sis الجيريا


Nice try . Though to be honest , it’s stuffed with many mistakes . I tried to re-write the 1st part only ( due to shortage of time ) . I’m sure that even if I’ve got the time , I wouldn’t be able to come up with a better composition . The ideas themselves never seem to twain ; There is no meaningful connection between them . I don’t mean to offend you , because believe me I wouldn’t waste my time telling you this , if I didn’t think already that you could do it better

: This is what I could do with the 1st part

Life carries many meanings , but we’re trying to understand them
as a result of our own experiments ( Even with this corrected form
I couldn’t get it ! )

Somethings are happy ; other things are sad . But we have to be
brave enough to stand up for ourselves , without pouring down
our tears nor making up our smiles
Even when we’re together , I still miss you . How can a body live
without its soul

Just Friends Best Friends 2024


A Just Friend says..hi,..hello, ..bye,… and

walks away

A Best friend always stop by your side &

asks how r u doing ??

A Just Friend has never seen you cry

A Best friend has shoulders soggy from

your tears

A Just Friend thinks the friendship is

over, when you have an argument

A Best friend knows that its not a

friendship, until after youve had a fight.

A Just Friend phones you whenever

he/she has some work

A Best friend calls you often just to hear

your voice…..

A Just Friend hates it when you call

after he has gone to bed

A Best friend asks you…. why you took

so long to call.

A Just Friend, when visiting, acts like a


A Best friend opens your refrigerator

and helps himself.

A Just Friend jealous about your

romantic history

A Best friend wonders of your love


A Just Friend expects you to be always

there for any help

A Best friend is always there, wherever

you require any help

A Just Friend jealous about your

romantic history

A Best friend wonders of your love


ThAnKs U

thankx sweety
it is so
coool & nice

A Best friend always stop by your side &

asks how r u doing ??

A Just Friend has never seen you cry

I want to say that
Evry thing is going to die
just freindly stay shine

دمت بكل خير ع هذا الاختيار السليم

دمت بكل سعاده ع اختيار تلك الحروف

دمت كما انت الفكر الجميل ..،

شاكر لك يالغالي ..،

تقبل تواجدي وحروفي

I could write for hours
Use the finest words in Webster’s
Fill pages upon pages with verse
Only two words are needed
Two words are everything I want to say

Thank you

الاخ المبتسم
كلمات رائعة
قالت الكثير
مما يمكن ان يقال
عن علاقة مهمة
في حياة كل منا
والدور الكبير
للصديق في هذه العلاقة
لكن الصديق الصدوق
ماافتقد وجوده هذه الايام
شكرا لك باللغة العربية

شكرا للاخت جنان عبدالله بهذه المشاركة الجميلة
وتستاهلين الشكر بكل لغات العالم بس ما اجيدد الا ثلاثا منها
بسشمكرا باللغة العربية تكفي الغرض
ش: شكرا لك يا جنان عبدالله
ك: كفيت ووفيت
ر: رعالك الله
أ : قولي امين

JuSt Sm!l . 2024

hi every 1


Try to Smile

When the weather suits you not

Try to Smile

When the coffee isn’t hot

Try to Smile

When your neighbors don’t do right

Or your relatives all fight,

Sure it’s hard, but then you might

Try to Smile

It doesn’t change the things, of course

Just Smile

But it cannot make them worse

Just Smile

And it seems to help your case

Brightens up a gloomy place

Then, it sort o’ rests your face

Just Smile

copied.. ihope u like it الجيريا

it seems to help your case

Brightens up a gloomy place

Then, it sort o’ rests your face

Just Smile

its Perfect My Sis ..

Thank U a Lot ..

Regards .. Best Wishes

NiCe wOrdS .. VeRy beaUtifUl

thaaanx 4 this

the Smile every thing on the world

every one needs for Smile

the smile >>>

Smiling is infectious ; you catch it like the flu
When someone smiled to me today I will start smiling too

So if you feel a smile begin, don’t leave it undetected
!! Let’s start an epidemic quick and get the world infected

Well, now smile again when I admit this topic is

These wonderful words darlin

Thank you very mutch

Best wishes to you

your words is more beautiful sweety ..الجيريا

its make me smile ..الجيريا

thanq u my dear الجيريا

Just Do It You’r amazing 2024

Read these words maybe it’s useful in your life

Give people more than they expect

When you say "I Love You" you have to mean it

When you say "I am sorry" look at the eyes of the person you talk to

Don’t make fun of the dreams of others

Love faithfully

Don’t punish or judge on others as you judt hear about them

Talk slowly but think fast

If someone asks you a question ,, you don’t want to answer it .. Just smile and ask him….
Why do want to know the answer??

Alaways remember.. The way to success is a huge resk

When you lose you should get usefullness of of it

Don’t let a little misunderstanding destroy a true freindship

When you notice that you mistake correct it directly

Smile when you answer the phone.. He is going to feel it

Always remember that you are sometimes not able to get what you want.. You may be lucky in that

If you reach the end of my topic that means you are an amazing person

Translated by Me

Don’t let a little misunderstanding destroy a true freindship

Nice topic sister … Iliked it ..الجيريا

Iam amazing person….الجيريا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ** عبورة عتيبه **

Don’t let a little misunderstanding destroy a true freindship

Nice topic sister … Iliked it ..الجيريا

Iam amazing person….الجيريا

Sure ,, you’re amazing

Thanks dear


not just a story 2024

..not just a story

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree.
في قديم الزمان … كان هناك شجرة تفاح ضخمة …
A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday.
و كان هناك طفل صغير يلعب حول هذه الشجرة كل يوم ..
He climbed to the treetop, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow…
كان يتسلق أغصان الشجرة ويأكل من ثمارها … ثم يغفو قليلا لينام في ظلها …
He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.
كان يحب الشجرة وكانت الشجرة تحب أن تلعب معه …
Time went by…the little boy had grown up,
مر الزمن… وكبر الطفل…
And he no longer played around the tree every day.
وأصبح لا يلعب حول الشجرة كل يوم…
One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad.
في يوم من الأيام … رجع الصبي وكان حزينا!
‘Come and play with me,’ the tree asked the boy.
فقالت له الشجرة: تعال والعب معي ..
‘I am no longer a kid, I do not play around trees any more’
The boy replied.
فأجابها الولد: لم أعد صغيرا لألعب حولك…
‘I want toys. I need money to buy them.’
أنا أريد بعض اللعب وأحتاج بعض النقود لشرائها…
‘Sorry, but I do not have money…
فأجابته الشجرة: أنا لا يوجد معي نقود!!!
But you can pick all my apples and sell them.
So, you will have money.
ولكن يمكنك أن تأخذ كل التفاح الذي لدي لتبيعه ثم تحصل على النقود التي تريدها…
‘ The boy was so excited.
الولد كان سعيدا للغاية…
He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily.
فتسلق الشجرة وجمع كل ثمار التفاح التي عليها وغادر سعيدا …
The boy never came back after he picked the apples.
لم يعد الولد بعدها …
The tree was sad.
فأصبحت الشجرة حزينة …
One day, the boy who now turned into a man returned
وذات يوم عاد الولد ولكنه أصبح رجلا…!!!
And the tree was excited ‘Come and play with me’ the tree said.
كانت الشجرة في منتهى السعادة لعودته وقالت له: تعال والعب معي…
‘I do not have time to play. I have to work for my family.
ولكنه أجابها:
لا يوجد وقت لدي للعب .. فقد أصبحت رجلا مسئولا عن عائلة…
We need a house for shelter.
ونحتاج لبيت يأوينا…
Can you help me?
هل يمكنك مساعدتي ؟
‘ Sorry’,
I do not have any house. But you can chop off my branches
To build your house.
فأنا ليس عندي بيت ولكن يمكنك أن تأخذ جميع أغصاني لتبني بها بيتا لك…
‘ So the man cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.
فأخذ الرجل كل الأغصان وغادر وهو سعيد…
The tree was glad to see him happy but the man never came back since then.
كانت الشجرة مسرورة لرؤيته سعيدا… لكن الرجل لم يعد إليها …
The tree was again lonely and sad.
فأصبحت الشجرة وحيدة و حزينة مرة أخرى…
One hot summer day,
وفي يوم حار من ايام الصيف…
The man returned and the tree was delighted.
عاد الرجل.. وكانت الشجرة في منتهى السعادة..
‘Come and play with me!’
the tree said.
فقالت له الشجرة: تعال والعب معي…
‘I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself.
فقال لها الرجل لقد تقدمت في السن.. وأريد أن أبحر لأي مكان لأرتاح…
‘Can you give me a boat?’
‘Said the man’.
فقال لها الرجل: هل يمكنك إعطائي مركبا..
‘Use my trunk to build your boat.
You can sail far away and be happy.
فأجابته: خذ جذعي لبناء مركب… وبعدها يمكنك أن تبحر به بعيدا … وتكون سعيدا…
‘ So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat.
فقطع الرجل جذع الشجرة وصنع مركبا!!
He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.
فسافر مبحرا ولم يعد لمدة طويلة..
Finally, the man returned after many years.
أخيرا عاد الرجل بعد غياب طويل …….
‘Sorry, my boy. But I do not have anything for you anymore.
ولكن الشجرة قالت له: آسفة يا بني… لم يعد عندي أي شئ أعطيه لك..
No more apples for you…
‘ The tree said’.
وقالت له: لا يوجد تفاح…
‘No problem, I do not have any teeth to bite
‘ The man replied.
قال لها: لا عليك لم يعد عندي أي أسنان لأقضمها بها…
‘No more trunk for you to climb on’
لم يعد عندي جذع لتتسلقه..
‘I am too old for that now’ the man said.
فأجابها الرجل لقد أصبحت عجوزا ولا أستطيع القيام بذلك!!
‘I really cannot give you anything…
قالت: أنا فعلا لا يوجد لدي ما أعطيه لك…
The only thing left is my dying root,’
The tree said with tears.
قالت وهي تبكي.. كل ما تبقى لدي جذور ميتة…
‘I do not need much now, just a place to rest.
فأجابها: كل ما أحتاجه الآن هو مكان لأستريح فيه..
I am tired after all these years’ the man replied.
فأنا متعب بعد كل هذه السنين…
‘Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest,
فأجابته: جذور الشجرة العجوز هي أنسب مكان لك للراحة…
Come, come sit down with me and rest.
تعال … تعال واجلس معي لتستريح …
‘ The man sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears…
جلس الرجل إليها.. كانت الشجرة سعيدة.. تبسمت والدموع تملأ عينيها…
This is you and the tree is your parents!!!
هل تعرف من هي هذه الشجرة؟
إنها أبويك!!
‘Love your Parents’
‘أحب والديك’

من اروع القصص المترجمه اللي قرأتها

يكفي انها تحاكي المشاعر


not just a story

Story love

شاكره لك من أعماق قلبي

تحيتي مع فائق امنياتي لك بالتوفيق

تسلمي ولله ويسعدني ويشرفني ذلك
wonderful story
I like it
our parents still give us
and we don’ t satisfy any way
when we grow up we leave them simply
and the most of us ignore them
but they still love us
thanks for the story