" Your Mood / 2 " 2024

Welcome The pioneers of the English department…
Each one comes here
and writes psychological condition
Bad or good or normal

! Ummmm , how refreshing

Thank you , sweetheart , for renewing our " confessional " . Now , I must scoot , but I’ll be joining you here in a little while

! Toodle-oo


I feel like I’ve been hit by 50 trucks at a time
Few boredom

I feel that there is a reason that would make me braver than crying actually I’m scared of predestination.
Life no longer afford

I’ve been dancing in my head for a fleeting moment , and now I’m being sent back to the clutches of reality , in which everything is basically dull and depressing
Detest this atmosphere
I feel bored and tiredالجيريا