الأخطــاء الشـائعه بالانجليزي .Common Errors in English 2024

السلام عليكم جميعا
في هذا الموضوع تنتناول اخطاء شائعة يرتكبها متعلمو اللغة الانجليزية من حيث الاستخدام الخاطئ للكلمات حتى نتمكن إن شاء الله من التغلب عليها .

نبدأ مع اخطاء شائعة بحرف ال " a "

accept vs except
الفعل الاول يعني يقبل بينما الثاني يعني يستثني.

If you offer me Godiva chocolates I will gladly accept
them—except for the candied violet ones. Just remember that the “X” in “except” excludes things—they tend to stand out, be different. In contrast, just look at those two cozy “C’s” snuggling up together. Very accepting. And be careful; when typing “except” it often comes out “expect.”

adopt vs adapt
الفعل الاول يعني يتبنى طفلا – قضية …
الفعل الثاني تعبر عن التأقلم .

You can adopt a child or a custom or a law; in all of these cases you are making the object of the adoption your own, accepting it. If you adapt something, however, you are changing it.

already vs all ready
All ready” is a phrase meaning “completely prepared,” as in “As soon as I put my coat on, I’ll be all ready.” “Already,” however, is an adverb used to describe something that has happened before a certain time, as in “What do you mean you’d rather stay home? I’ve already got my coat on.”

advice vs advise
الكلمة الاولى هي اسم يعني " نصيحة"
الكلمة الثانية هي فعل = ينصح ( انتبهوا للتهجئة )- تغيير حرف واحد بيغير المعنى

“Advice” is the noun, “advise” the verb. When Ann Landers advises people, she gives them advice

advance vs advanced
When you hear about something in advance, earlier than other people, you get advance notice or information. “Advanced” means “complex, sophisticated” and doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the revealing of secrets.

ad vs add
ad هي اختصار لكلمة advertisement اي دعاية
بينما الكلمة الثانية هي فعل بمعنى يضيف- يزيد

لدينا كلمتان إضافتيان تحت حرف ال ‘ a’

amount vs number
نستخدم amount مع الاشياء- الاسماء الغير قابلة للعد
بينما number مع الاشياء القابلة للعد

the boy did a large amount of work, but unfortunately made a large number of mistakes.

anti- vs ante

الاثنان عبارة عن prefixes
anti- ضد
بينما ante تعني " before ”

نتنقل للاخطاء الشائعة في حرف ال b

1- beside- besides

الكلمة الاولى beside = along side – next to
بجانب بجوار

Alice sat down beside Mary

besides= in addition to
A number of guests besides Mary were in the room when Ann arrived.

2-breath vs breathe
الكلمة الاولى= نفس
الكلمة الثانية فعل بمعنى يتنفس

When you need to breathe, you take a breath. “Breathe” is the verb, “breath” the noun.

3- both vs each

both= taken together
Both these books cost a pound

each= taken separately
each of these books costs a pound

ملاحظة مهمة:
مع both = plural verb
each= singular verb

4- by- bye- buy
رغم الفرق الشاسع في معانيها الا أن البعض يخطئ فيها نتيجة للاستعجال.

by” is the common preposition in phrases like “you should know by nowز

’bye” is an abbreviated form of “goodbye

buy= purchase اي يشتري

ما زلنا مع حرف ال " b "

backward vs backwards

As an adverb, either word will do: “put the shirt on backward” or “put the shirt on backwards.” However, as an adjective, only “backward” will do: “a backward glance.” When in doubt, use “backward.”

bring vs take
When you are viewing the movement of something from the point of arrival, use “bring”: “When you come to the potluck, please bring a green salad.” Viewing things from the point of departure, you should use “take“: “When you go to the park, take a bottle of water with you.”

build off of or build on
الاختيار الاول وهو build of غير صحيح والصحيح هو build on اي يبني على انجازات سابقة.

You build on your earlier achievements, you don’t build off of them.

لقاءنا مع اخطاء شائعة جديدة وهذه المرة مع حرف ال " c "

1- classic vs classical
classical تعني الاشياء من الحضارات الرومانية والاغريقية القديمة.
بينما classic نستخدمها لوصف اشياء بارزة او مميزة بين مجموعتها .

Classical” usually describes things from ancient Greece or Rome, or things from analogous ancient periods like classical Sanskrit poetry. The exception is classical music, which in the narrow sense is late 18th and 19th-century music by the likes of Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven, and in the broader sense formal concert music of any period in the West or traditional formal music from other cultures, like classical ragas.

“Classic” has a much looser meaning, describing things that are outstanding exampls of their kind, like a classic car

2- complement vs compliment
الكلمة الاولى complement تعني مكمل للشيء. بينما compliment تعني الشكر والثناء.

Complements supplement each other, each adding something the others lack. A compliment is an expression of regard , a pleasing word or act.

3- criteria or criterion
There are several words with Latin or Greek roots whose plural forms ending in A are constantly mistaken for singular ones. For instance, data and media. You can have one criterion or many criteria.

4- cut and paste vs copy and paste

cut and paste” is a familiar phrase, many people say it when they mean “copy and paste” in a computer context. This can lead to disastrous results if followed literally by an inexpert person. If you mean to tell someone to duplicate something rather than move it, say "copy.” And when you are moving bits of computer information from one place to another the safest sequence is often to copy the original, paste the copy elsewhere, and only then delete (cut) the original.

5- current vs currant
current – للتعبير عن الزمن الراهن (في هذه الحالة صفة). وعندما نستخدمها كأسم مع الامواج – الوقت.
بينما currant تستخدم فقط مع الفواكه الصغيرة.

Current” is an adjective having to do with the present time, and can also be a noun naming a thing that, like time, flows: electrical current, currents of public opinion. “Currant”refers only to little fruits.

الكلمة الاولى coarse تعني خشن وغليظ.
الكلمتان تلفظان بنفس الطريقة مما يسبب الخلط بينهما.

ولنا لقاء قريب مع الأخطاء التي تتضمن باقي الحروف باللغه الانجليزيه
We will have another time to speak about the common errors in English
So Try to attend my courses 🙂

الأخطاء الشائعة

موضوع رائع جدا أختي زهرة تونس

ويعاني منه الكثيرين وحتى من يتكلم اللغة الانكليزية كلغة أم من حيث لفظ الكلمة

تقبلي فائق احترامي
صمت الأحزان