word sabout looooooooooooooove 2024

hiiiiiiiiiiii to every one love
if you love same one tell him thas words

Said I loved you but I lied
cause this is more than love I feel inside
Said I loved you but I was wrong
cause love could never ever feel so strong
Said I loved you but I lied

With all my soul Ive tried in vain
How can mere words my heart explain
This taste of heaven so deep so true
Ive found in you
So many reasons in so many ways
My life has just begun
Need you forever, I need you to stay
You are the one, you are the one

your word to day 2024

Hi every one

Am so excited to day u know why>>الجيريا

Because this the first time to me to sheer u guys idea that I like it and I will be happy if u like it

The idea is
Every one
Come her and tell us
His world to day

How much u love i love u more

Have fun and enjoy your time

Be strong enough to face the world each day.

Even if it not your own world>> that’s ok

Just tell us world u think it we’ll helps the people


U r sis


My word for today

Be creative in your work

Hiii Sis …
reall i like it ** sweet topic
thxx hun keep it up


me 2 i love il hey u nice


i love you sister

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ~RoMnSea~

Hiii Sis …
reall i like it ** sweet topic
thxx hun keep it up


hiiii my sister
I am very happy that you
Ahbpti topic .. has waited for all your good day

راح انتظر كل يوح كلمتالجيرياك حيااتوووو

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ندووش

me 2 i love il hey u nice


i love you sister

Hello dear
Helw satisfied with the subject
Has waited for a good every day of your Aoki

I would also like to

ابي كل يوم منك كلمك اوكي الجيريا

Right here, right now
I’m looking at you and my heart loves the view
Cause you mean everything
thank’s nadosh


keep going

my word

.Don’t forget me

with me
my word 2 day


Tried to urge him to live all your life .. hope and joy

(Word To Word ::( game to improve our Language English ::لعبه لتطوير لغتنا الأنجليزيه 2024

السلآآآآآم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

مقدمه :

لغتنا الأنجليزيه تحتاج لتطووير ولابد من أن نزيد من المفرداتها ..
وهناك طرق عدة لزياده .. منها قرأءة القصص و منها الحفظ المباشر و .. غيرها من الطرق التي بالأخير تلبي الحاجه المرجوه منها ..

وصف اللعبه :

اللعبه هذه ستجدونها باللغه العربيه .. ولكن نريد ان نحولها للغة الأنجليزيه لكي نستفيد منها وفي نفس الوقت يكون هناك جو التسليه والمنافسه موجود ..

طريقة اللعبه :

فمثلا نبداء بكلمة Strong

يقول فهد :
Strong= Man ( ملاحظه : لابد أن يكون جواب فهد له علاقه بكلمة strong "قوي" )

تقول هدى :
Man = Woman (شاهدوا هدى ربطة بين كلمة رجل وإمرأه )

نبداء بأسم الله ..

Internet إنترنت

Internet ued for playing & learning
we need to lern and in the same time we need to be haved